What is the Minimum Wage in Florida?

The minimum wage is a crucial factor in the economic landscape of any state, impacting workers, businesses, and the overall economy. In Florida, the minimum wage is set by both federal and state laws, with the state often setting higher rates to better reflect the cost of living. This article provides a detailed overview of the minimum wage in Florida, including current rates, historical context, and future changes.

Current Minimum Wage in Florida

As of January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is $12.00 per hour. This rate is part of a gradual increase approved by Florida voters in 2020, aimed at reaching a $15.00 per hour minimum wage by 2026.

Historical Context

The history of the minimum wage in Florida includes several key milestones:

  • 2004: Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment to establish a state minimum wage, initially set at $6.15 per hour, effective in 2005.
  • Annual Adjustments: Since 2005, the state minimum wage has been adjusted annually based on inflation and the cost of living, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
  • 2020 Amendment 2: In November 2020, Florida voters approved Amendment 2, which mandates a gradual increase of the state minimum wage to $15.00 per hour by 2026.

Scheduled Increases

Amendment 2 outlines a schedule for annual increases to the minimum wage until it reaches $15.00 per hour:

  • September 30, 2021: $10.00 per hour
  • September 30, 2022: $11.00 per hour
  • September 30, 2023: $12.00 per hour
  • September 30, 2024: $13.00 per hour
  • September 30, 2025: $14.00 per hour
  • September 30, 2026: $15.00 per hour

Tipped Employees

For tipped employees, the minimum wage is different due to the tip credit provision. As of January 1, 2024, the minimum wage for tipped employees in Florida is $8.98 per hour, which is calculated by taking the standard minimum wage and subtracting the maximum tip credit allowed ($3.02 per hour).

Comparing to the Federal Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour, a rate that has not changed since 2009. Florida’s state minimum wage is significantly higher than the federal rate, reflecting the state’s efforts to ensure workers earn a wage that better aligns with the cost of living.

Impact on Workers and Businesses

Impact on Workers

The gradual increase in the minimum wage is designed to provide workers with higher incomes, potentially lifting many out of poverty and improving their quality of life. Higher wages can also lead to increased consumer spending, which benefits the overall economy.

Impact on Businesses

While the increase in the minimum wage benefits workers, it also presents challenges for businesses, particularly small businesses and those in low-margin industries. Businesses may face higher labor costs, which can lead to increased prices for goods and services, reduced hiring, or greater reliance on automation.

Future Outlook

As Florida continues to implement the scheduled increases to the minimum wage, the state will monitor the economic impacts on both workers and businesses. The goal is to balance the benefits of higher wages with the potential challenges faced by employers.


The minimum wage in Florida is set to increase steadily over the next few years, reaching $15.00 per hour by 2026. This increase aims to improve the standard of living for workers while also presenting new challenges and opportunities for businesses. Staying informed about these changes is crucial for both employees and employers as they navigate the evolving economic landscape in Florida.
